Opening Statement

As an opening article, there are two purposes:

  1. Make this website look less empty, at least there is something to see (actually just the novelty effect)
  2. As a starting point to understand and learn about quantitative trading, it also serves as a wake-up call, not forgetting the original intention

Since being laid off at the beginning of 2023, I have been looking for opportunities intermittently for several months, but have not found a suitable one. Later on, I just let it go and go with the flow.
In the following half year, occasionally writing code, watching YouTube to learn about new technologies, during which I started 2 small projects:

  • One is a decentralized wallet project called EasyWallet, where I implemented the refactoring plan conceived during my previous job (currently the functionality is incomplete, but it is also considered comprehensive). The code reusability and ease of maintenance have been greatly improved, especially in extracting an abstraction layer to handle inconsistent data content across multiple chains. However, because I took big steps all at once, this project is cross-platform, implemented using Kotlin Multiplatform, which hindered some ideas due to framework limitations.

  • The other is an AI tool, where users only need to provide their Gemini ApiKey to use its functions. Due to payment issues with ChatGPT, the testing has been temporarily closed. It has been submitted for internal testing on the Google Play Store and has passed the review.

As for the second purpose, I have been thinking a lot recently, but it seems like my job applications have gone unanswered, the pressure is immense. A good friend's brother, the manager of MetaNet, often shares some knowledge about quantitative trading on social platforms, which has influenced me. So I also want to try this path. I had a chat with him, and some of the viewpoints and achievements he provided did pique my interest, so I decided to give it a try.
Yesterday, I applied for api trading, learned some principles and analysis of indicators, and gained some understanding from real trading references, etc.
This is just the beginning~

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